[Mode : Knock..Knock..Knockin' On My Heart Door...]
Hai guys...what's up..? Macam mana kehidupan korang? Ok...? Berhantu tak tittle kat atas tu....huhuhu...;-P Amir bile bace blog En Nu'man, En Kamen and kengkawan lain about love life...rase sgt jeles tau kikiki...but of course jeles in a good way lah...al-maklumlah, bile Amir single mingle nie, terasa plak nak disayangi dan dicintai, but it's nobody there...my heart is empty...sunyi sepi...like a Ghost Town...k...
Well, kepada sesape yang pernah baca post #6 What's Luv...? Amir hari tu mesti akan teringatkan Mr H yang pernah hadir dalam hidup Amir satu ketika dulu...so in this post Amir nak citer kan skit tentang Mr H nie...and how sadly in the end we are separated...meneruskan hala tuju hidup masing--masing...so maybe untuk first part nie, Amir citer detail skit tentang Mr H nie...
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Mr H...He Was My Gay Thing... |
Ok lets Rewind a little...Amir mengenali Mr H time Amir belajar kat sebuah Universiti di Pantai Timur dulu. Well, Mr H nie adalah senior Amir...merangkap room mate Amir. Mr H nie adalah orang yang quite popular kat Uni Amir. Die salah seorang ahli majlis perwakilan pelajar and hensome tau hihihi....coz Mr H nie ader mix blood skit...Malay mix with Siamese and Irish...so imagine that ok...seriously, imagine that...
So masa Amir in my Junior year, Amir sangat Naive dengan dunia-dunia PLU nie...although, I always know I'm quite different from my other friends...Maksud Amir, time sekolah dulu kalau kawan--kawan Amir sibuk dengan aweks sana sini...Amir plak seem doesn't fit dengan situation tu...bukannya takde pompuan yang nak approach Amir, ada...banyak plak tu...tapi mostly Amir reject dengan alasan Amir nak concentrate dengan study la, it's not time for love la...dan pelbagai lagi alasan yang munasabah dan munasarawak (bleh? ;-P)....
So as I mention earlier, Mr H nie senior and room mate Amir...and first day, at my collage time minggu suai kenal, Amir and other junior dah kene raging dah dengan die...tapi yang bestnyer (and pelik too...at that time la) Amir paling sedikit kene raging dengan die...oh Amir forgot to mention yang die nie fasilitator untuk minggu suai kenal tu...and bile dah settle minggu suai kenal...Amir pun di beri bilik tetap untuk semester tu...and to my surprise, Amir kene satu bilik plak dengan Mr H...it feels so awkward...
Untuk sebulan dua pertama tu takde aper yang berlaku sangat, even though time tu die banyak bagi hints-hints yang die suka kan Amir...but to my Naive mind...Amir tak anggap aper-aper coz Amir rase die mungkin anggap Amir nie macam adik-adik die jer and that time Amir ingat die dah ader awek (and of course die takde) coz bagi Amir orang yang popular macam die takkan takder awek kan..?
So antara hint-hint yang selalu bagi macam, die take care for me time Amir demam, sanggup tak tido malam just nak make sure ader tuala basah di dahi Amir la...bersusah payah cari transport untuk bawa Amir ke kinik la..macam-macam la...Mr H nie ade satu tabiat yang Amir rase kurang elok (but the definition kurang elok bagi PLU nie mungkin berubah menjadi elok ;-P)...die suka kalau balik bilik lepas mandi, tutup tingkap and kunci pintu and lap badan dengan tuala sambil berbogel depan Amir mostly la...and dier selalu akan cakap Amir takpe ke die berkelakuan begitu depan Amir, is it bothering to me? Amir biasernyer akan senyum jer and akan buat-buat alih kan perhatian...tapi dalam hati like, bi*ch, it's not bothering..it's 'horny'ring ok...;-P
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It's Horny not bother... |
Well, lamaran Amir tu tak lah macam dalam filem walaupun Amir berharap ianya macam dalam filem, romantik, ada bunga, ada kek, ada cincin...tapi kita nie kekadang kene lah berpijak dibumi yang nyata...I mean, jangan lah anggap dunia perfect, coz jika kita mengharap ianya perfect, kita akan meletakkannya dalam standard yang tinggi dan ianya pasti mengecewakan kita...Amir tak nafikan yang kita semua berharapkan yang perfect dalam sesebuah hubungan tu dan macam fairy tale 'happily ever after'...tapi jarang ianya berlaku macam tu terutama kita di bumi Malaysia yang penuh adat dan Agama...it's not gonna happen...mostly at the time...
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Love have no boundaries...but don't set it to high...coz nobody is perfect... |
Amir bercinta dengan Mr H dalam jangka masa 3 tahun but it's seem 3 thousand year for us...why 3 tahun? Amir story next time...coz untuk post kali nie, Amir tak bercadang untuk bercerita tentang hal perpisahan kami...cukuplah untuk kali nie Amir citer introduction to my love story jer...and everytime Amir pasang lagu Yuna - Lullabies nie, Amir pasti....pasti akan ingat kan Mr H....
Yuna - Lullabies
Like lullabies you are,
Forever in my mind.
I see you in all,
The pieces in my life.
Though you weren't mine,
You were my first love.
I wanted to go away with you,
And I will leave all my troubles here.
I wanted to run away with you,
And I will bring all my dreams and fears.
Like lullabies you are,
Forever in my mind.
I see you in all,
The pieces in my life.
Though you weren't mine…
Like lullabies you are,
Forever in my mind.
I see you in all,
The pieces in my life.
Though you weren't mine
Though you weren't mine,
You were my first love.
You were my first love.
I wanted to start again with you,
And I will leave all my worries here.
I wanted only you.
I know that I fell for you.
Like lullabies you are,
Forever in my mind.
I see you in all,
The pieces in my life.
Though you weren't mine…
Like lullabies you are,
Forever in my mind.
I see you in all,
The pieces in my life.
Though you weren't mine,
Though you weren't mine,
You were my first love.
You were my first love.
You were my first love.
~ End of My Part 1 Love Story ~
Sweet la Amir yr senior ni ...
ReplyDeleteI suka cr dia ckp ..i cant take this anymore ..bla bla ... lebih merembes dr propose kt taman .candlelight dinner ..flower bagai ..
Arghh ....sweetttt ..kehkeh
Calm down Mr Nu'man...Calm Down...You are flying high now...huhuhu...;-P
DeleteTerlampau sweetttt nanti kene kencing manis plak kikiki...;-P
"maybe this is wrong, but I can't take it this anymore. I Love You, I need you, I want you to be in my life..."
ReplyDeleteSeriously the confession part was the best ! You were so lucky amir ! During that time la ! Dah la Mr H tu ada mix blood lagi. Mesti putih. Part naked2 tu mohon lebih detail next time. HAHAHAHA ! Cant wait for the next part of the story. Hmmmm so sad that the relationship putus. Haishhh.
Huhuhu...yap bab confession tu memang Amir jadi gugup...sebab so straight foward...;-P
DeleteMaybe I'm lucky maybe not sebab dier tu mix blood...but bab naked2 tu kene sensored skit tak bleh lebihlebih sgt...hihihi...;-P
OMG!! Dia naked depan abg amir?..pergh! Free show..haahaha..biasalah kadang2 bila ada org yg btl2 serius dgn kita boleh kita tak perasan..abg nanti sambung lagi k..
ReplyDeleteTulah pasal....nak pancing Amir lah tu time tu agaknya...tapi Amir jer yang naive sgt tak perasan...hihihi...
DeleteOf Course Amir akan sambung lagi...;-)
Part naked tu takleh blah. Haha. Best nya.
ReplyDeleteMore details please. Alaa nak jugakk. :P
Hihihi...memang takleh blah kan Nov...
DeleteSanggup ke nak baca more details...hihihi...;-P
Part naked tu takleh blah. Haha. Best nya.
ReplyDeleteMore details please. Alaa nak jugakk. :P
I wish I can turn back time...
ReplyDeletepakai cantik2 wangi2..sure ada yang ngorat aku macam Mr H ngorat Amir..hahaha
Amir ni mesti handsome tahap gaban, tu pasal Mr H mixed blood hensem tahap dewa dewi tu boleh sangkut...
Nak nombor tepon boleh? wink...wink...
Alah Mr Kamen...tak yah turn back time...rite now, rite here pun boleh achieve that dream...;-)
DeleteAmir tak handsome maner lah...tapi bersyukur la dengan pemberianTuhan nie...huhuhu...;-P
Nak no tipon Amir...? kikiki...;-P
salam. ahah tersenyum hamba seorang diri bila baca cerita amir. how sweet dohhh.. haha
ReplyDeleteI wish ada orang yang akan buat macam tu. haha. berangan. kbai. have a nice day bruhh..
Tersenyum bro...? huhuhu...well, it's my attention to make people smile...;-)
DeleteTak salah pun kita berangan...mana tahu satu hari nanti our dream come true...;-)
Amir umur brapa ya. Best baca tulisan u ni huarghh bila nk ambung niiii x sabo nk baca
ReplyDeleteUntungnye amir ade laki mcm H tu minat .. I ni x de sape pun heran masa kt u dulu huhu
Stock2 watak picisan je.klu ade org mcm amir yg berminat pun i dah happy gilerr
Ehh XD
Berapa Umur Amir...? Hm....Rahsia...huhuhu....well....actually, umur Amir..lebih kurang Nu'man and En Kamen jerk....hehehe...;-p
DeleteWell, Mr White....dont down grade yourself....mesti ada org yang suka kan u...cuma u blum jumpa org tu lagi jerk....so my word of advice...try...and try lookin' 4 it...;-)
mesti amir time tu jambu betul...kekekeke.
ReplyDeleteJambu...? hehehe...jambu batu ader lah...kikiki...;-p
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